Waiver Form for Knockerball Participation

KnockerballNC - Raleigh, NC

This waiver is intended for use at public events where each participant pays to play. If you are attending a private event, consult with the organizer for the link to register directly to their event. It's in their confirmation email.

If you are attending a private event that someone else has organized, please do not use this waiver as it's difficult to match your name to the event your attending and could result in you needing to re-do an online waiver, fill out a paper waiver at the event, or disqualification from play.

Our Waivers were designed by a lawyer in Regina, SK and are designed in accordance applicable law.

Although we take every measure to ensure complete safety, there are risks involved with this activity, especially when participants don't follow our safety guidelines. The excitement sometimes can overcome common sense.

Rest assured that we strive for zero incidents and complete satisfaction and will always have one of our event coordinators at every event to ensure participants are following our safety guidelines so that we can try to eliminate the risks.

In order for us to be insured, we need to have waivers signed so to be sure you are aware and understand that there are risks.

Call 919-649-9399 if you need help with your waiver for KnockerballNC.

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